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Tooth and claw

I wrote this originally, about a different dog when I was still vegetarian. I now eat the fish that are terrified when they are caught but I do not eat land animals. I don’t know why; I think I really should be vegan but somehow, I am not.

I come across animals much more in my life nowadays and know, without a shadow of doubt, that animals feel strongly. When our dog, Dash, was beaten up by another dog, he was traumatised for days. Physically he couldn’t get upstairs but worse were the times he would stand stationary, trembling, staring into space and the legacy; where he is now suspicious and frightened when he meets new dogs; that makes me sad.

I suppose I have given up on the certainty of an ethical and moral life; I do my best but I make many mistakes. I find certainty suspect and the need to do the right thing all the time somehow makes me awkward; makes me think the need to always be good or moral in itself indicates some sort of lack; that such a life is not a well lived or respectful life. It seems to exclude failure and weakness and confusion. I do not like it when I witness it. I do not know why I want to say this.

Tooth and claw

Rats can laugh

Its official

And if rats can laugh

Crows can fall in love

And partner each other for life

And if rats can laugh

A fish can beat on the shore in pure terror

When plucked from its hook

And if rats can laugh

Dash the dog

Can make me laugh too

When he climbs on top of me

Licks me so much my ears hear better

My eyes shine brighter

And I have to stop reading the book that was making me sad

01/12 adapted 01/21

(Photo: Dash and me at Ardmore, Jan 21)


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Graham Morgan

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