Over the years I have had articles that I have written, published and have appeared in the press, on television, the radio and on film.
I am afraid it never occurred to me to keep links to such things, or records of what I had written.
Since writing START I have ventured onto Twitter, which still feels very alien. I have encountered the world of the guest blog and online magazines and very occasionally academic journals. Here are a few of my more recent guest blogs. In due course I will place future publications that I appear in here.
If ever again people come to interview me for media appearances, I will try to save links to such things and place them here as well.
Social Inclusion 2013
SPIRIT Advocacy/HUG action for mental health
self stigma 2013
SPIRIT Advocacy/HUG action for mental health
alcohol drugs and tobacco 2013
SPIRIT Advocacy/HUG action for mental health
Boundaries and relationships 2013
SPIRIT Advocacy/HUG action for mental health
HUG - mental health awareness training 2016
SPIRIT Advocacy website
naming my rights, the significance of humanity in recovery
Mental Health Today
Scottish Seaglass
From HOPEZINE with thanks to Erica Cromptom
HUG (action for mental health) Views on Poverty
SPIRIT Advocacy Website
HUG's work in challenging stigma
SPIRIT Advocacy Website
HUG (action for mental health) What we want when we cannot cope
SPIRIT Advocacy Website
HUG and Peer Support
SPIRIT Advocacy Website