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Over the years I have had articles that I have written, published and have appeared in the press, on television, the radio and on film. 

I am afraid it never occurred to me to keep links to such things, or records of what I had written.

Since writing START I have ventured onto Twitter, which still feels very alien. I have encountered the world of the guest blog and online magazines and very occasionally academic journals. Here are a few of my more recent guest blogs. In due course I will place future publications that I appear in here.

If ever again people come to interview me for media appearances, I will try to save links to such things and place them here as well.

The views of people with mental ill health to barriers to legal representation

mental welfare commission for scoltand

The use of seclusion in psychiatric hospitals

The views of people with lived experience and freinds and family

What we should be looking at during a visit to a psychiatric ward

The Views of people with lived experience and their freinds and family

Detention under the mental health act

the views of people with lived experience about detention under the mental health act

HUG mental health awareness training – making it real

An evaluation of HUG action for mental health's awareness training

Other Worlds

Cover Photo in HAAR Magazine

One of the few academic papers I will ever appear in! Remote assessments under the mental health act

Journal of Medical Ethics

The mental health pay gap: is it a thing, like the gender pay gap?

Mental Health Today

Storytelling as an agent of change

psychreg magazine - using out experiences to create change: a few thoughts on the how we do it

In defense of Compulsory Community Treatment Orders

Article on the @psychreg website do have a look!!

The back of the playground (START)

Ubelong Glasgow Launch - facebook

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Graham Morgan

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